Thursday, 18 October 2018

Getting busy with LEGO WeDo 2.0

We had a very enjoyable time familiarising ourselves with LEGO robotics. Since it was the first time using it for many, we got a quick tutorial and then started building. First we built a basic propeller and then moved on to a simple car. After that, several groups started to make their own designs. We learned a lot such as:
 - Using tablets/laptops to connect to the LEGO hubs (via bluetooth)
 - Following the instructional steps to create our LEGO toys
 - Identifying and categorising LEGO parts
 - New vocabulary (ie naming parts) e.g. 2x4 bricks, triangular bricks, gears, axles, beams, hubs, sensors, pulleys, motors etc
 - Using the programming software to sequence the order of operations
 - How to problem solve when something didn't work (an important life skill!)

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